Grief wiggled its way into bed with me today
twisted and slid with me along the white sheets
positioned itself
right beside me like a lover
it kissed my lips and held me
as I briefly cried
Grief acknowledged my raw anger
under the comforter as I pulled it up to hide myself
from observing others, the world
Get up, get up, it said
Grief put Fleetwood Mac on shuffle as I showered
sugar foam body scrub, holy water from my coworker and
white flower petals
The wash of cleansing and healing -
Grief reminded me while handing me my towel
In this dance of pain and gratitude,
Love goes on and on and on
I used to think moving was leaving
I used to think leaving was breaking
I used to think breaking was permanent
I have been standing all day
I am letting go
Where am I going?