The world is mine, ours. The bounty, the lightness. There is nothing wrong. Beautiful body, skin, eyes, soul. Stretch, bend, release. Inhale, exhale, allow this way to be. It's the truth and there is a let go. And even when there's not the beauty is all the time. The lightness the truth the all being bounty is 24 seven. This is health, this is goodness, this is reality, this is the meaning of love of life. To be and sooth and laugh and go. Ohhhhhh ok fun, you are allowed you are accepted you are here all the time even even even when even even even when the knots the loss the shrugs are there. The flowers and universe inside this body. Oh hello stomach and breasts and all being. This stardust filled sky the planets and all of us and love for strangers on this train and those kids sitting together with their backpacks the man with the blue sneakers and camouflage packs. Joan Didion essays and meditation mantras. Even when it feels bad it can feel good the discomfort. Fun. work and then what? yoga make art whatever walking the gym kisses nothing naps floss clean the litter. Time ends and begins and it can be sticky or clean so love yourself love others. Love free. Freeeeee. Allow yourself to feel good
